Forever My Earl Read online

Page 9

  “It’s so smooth,” she said in awe. “Is it always this large?”

  Garrick chuckled. “For you it always will be.”

  “Can I kiss it?”

  She was going to kill him. “Please,” he begged.

  Hannah leaned forward and placed her lips on the tip of his cock then her tongue flicked out and ran across it. He almost jerked from the surprise. When she did it a second time he was prepared for it better. What books had she been reading? If she kept stroking and licking him he’d explode. He couldn’t let her be taken aback by his release. As much as he was enjoying her attention he had to put a stop to it. Garrick reluctantly pulled away from her.

  “That’s enough,” he said huskily.

  “But you’re not done,” she said.

  Wasn’t she precious? Was it any wonder why he loved her so much? “I don’t need you to do that for me.”

  Her bottom lip jutted out. “Then make love to me.”

  “I shouldn’t,” he said. But he wanted to. So, so much. “You’d be ruined.”

  Hannah laughed. “Darling, I already am. Do you think I could lie with any other man but you?” She reached for him. “Love me, please.”

  Garrick closed his eyes intending to pray for patience but gave up when he felt her arms wrap around his waist. He opened them and met her gaze. “Only you,” he whispered. “It’s always been you.” He leaned down and kissed her. Loving her was what he’d been born to do.

  He kissed her until he couldn’t breathe again. She was still wet for him and he couldn’t wait to fill her completely. Garrick placed her on the cot and joined her. He pushed her legs apart and placed his cock at her core entering her slowly until she fit him like a glove. She gasped when he pushed all the way inside and breached her virgin barrier.

  “Shh,” he said. “It will pass in a moment.” He hated that he hurt her.

  “I’m fine,” she told him. “Is that it?”

  “Not even close,” he said.

  Garrick pulled out and then pushed back inside of her. He kept a slow pace as he stroked inside of her until her moans filled the room. Her breathing became ragged as he quickened the pace. He couldn’t hold back much longer. She had to find her release before he gave in. Garrick reached between them and found her swollen clit and rubbed until she screamed. Her channel rippled around his cock and he lost control. He leaned his head into the crook of her neck as his orgasm hit. He rolled to his side and pulled her with him. He closed his eyes and basked in the glory of holding her. Before he realized it he succumbed to the lure of sleep—content for the first time since he returned home.


  Hannah rubbed his back as he slept. For a while there she’d thought he wouldn’t give in and make love to her. She had wanted to know what it was like to be loved by him once before she left. He might not really love her but this was enough. She had a piece of him to carry her through the rest of her days. It had been even more amazing than she’d thought it would be. He was a wonderful lover and it would be no hardship to have him in her bed if she were lucky enough to find him there again.

  “Did I fall asleep?” he asked groggily.

  “You did,” she replied. “You must have worn yourself out.”

  He chuckled. “More like you did.”

  The humor in his voice was infectious. “Semantics,” she said lightly. “I think the rain is starting to let up. We can probably dress and return to the castle.”

  Garrick sat up and looked out the window. “We need to discuss a few things first.”

  Hannah’s heart fell. This was the talk. The one where he would say he cared about her but they didn’t have a future. She’d been hoping to avoid it until she was ready to leave the castle. “Is it about the note the solicitor sent?”

  “What?” he said absentmindedly. “No, well, maybe somewhat. I suppose you should have options.”

  What the heck did that mean? “What did it say?”

  He sighed and rubbed his face with his hands. “The short answer is your cousin has been lying to you. The solicitors were sending more money than he told you and gambled most of it away. The good news is that they are willing to let you handle your affairs yourself within reason. They still want someone to monitor you, but they will send your money to you directly from now on.”

  That was good news. “What if I want to leave England?”

  His gaze shot toward hers. “Leave?” His mouth fell open. “Why would you want to do that? Where would you go?”

  She sat up. “I don’t know. Italy? Maybe America? We’re not at war with the colonies any longer.”

  “I...” He stared at her wide eyes. “Is that what you want?”

  Was it? No. She wanted him and a life at the castle. If she were given a choice she’d pick him any day of the week and not regret a moment of it. She wanted to marry him and have a family. But she couldn’t say that. He wasn’t likely to want the same thing from her. “It seems easiest. What do I have to keep me here? All of my family is gone.”

  He stood up and yanked his pants on. “What about me,” he said angrily. “Where do I fit into these plans of yours.”

  Why was he so mad? “I don’t understand.”

  He picked up her shift and tossed it at her. “Put that on. I think you’re right. We need to return to the castle.”

  Hannah slipped her shift on and stared at him confused. “Garrick,” she said softly. “What do you want from me?”

  He froze in the middle of the room his back to her. “It doesn’t matter what I want. It was a foolish dream and I should have realized it.”

  Her heart broke at his words. Had she misread everything? Did she dare tell him what she felt for him? Would it help him to open up to her? With everything else in her life she could be brave and face it. With Garrick she’d always been terrified of admitting how much she loved him. Perhaps he was inflicted with the same fears.

  “I love you,” she said softly.

  He turned toward her. “What did you say?”

  She said it louder and with conviction, “I love you. I always have. Why do you think I bothered to write to you? I didn’t make that effort for anyone else. Only you...”

  He went to his knees in front of her and wrapped his arms around her legs. “I love you so much,” he said hoarsely. “Please don’t leave me.”

  Hannah brought her hand up and ran it through his hair. Tears fell from her eyes and trailed down her cheek. Why couldn’t she have told him sooner how she felt? How much time had they wasted with each other because they’d both been too afraid to admit their love?

  “Never,” she promised. “I’ll stay with you always.”

  He glanced up. “You’ll marry me tomorrow as soon as I can arrange it.”

  “There’s no need to rush,” she said and smiled. “We’ll do it the normal way and wait for the bans to be read. That way no one will doubt our love and commitment to each other.”

  “I don’t know if I can wait that long,” he said.

  “You can,” she promised. “Because at the end of it you won’t have any more doubts. We’ll know that our love was meant to be.” She sank to her knees and placed her hands on his cheeks. “There won’t be any misunderstandings between us because you’ll know that I love you. That I’ve loved you all along.”

  “I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered. “I died a thousand deaths when I thought I killed you. I told myself I didn’t deserve you.” He kissed her lightly. “I’d give up anything for you. I’ve waited too long to make you mine and now that I have I can’t ever let you go.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way,” she whispered. “I’m yours and you’re mine forever.”


  Hannah strolled through the garden and stopped before a rose bush. She leaned down and drew the fragrant scent into her nose. She’d been married to the love of her life a full year now. Garrick’s mother had claimed to know all along that they were meant to be together. Hannah had her doubts, but let
it go without questioning it aloud. There was no reason to cause a ruckus. Especially as the lady was her mother-in-law.

  “Careful,” Garrick said. “You don’t want to prick a finger on the thorns.”

  Hannah glanced up at him. “I can withstand it for the joy of their beauty.”

  She had news for him. Hopefully he found it to be as joyous as she did. They were going to have a child in six months time. At first she hadn’t been sure and hadn’t wanted to say in case she’d been wrong. Now though, certainty flowed through her.

  “I have news,” Garrick said interrupting her thoughts. “Some you may not like.”

  Hannah froze. Whatever could it be? Maybe she should hold her good tidings for the moment. At least until she found out what Garrick had to say. “Oh?” she raised a brow. “I’m sure I can handle it. Tell me.”

  “Lady Corinne is coming for a visit,” he said wearily. “She wishes to spend some time with Amelia.

  Garrick’s, and now hers through their marriage, niece was finally starting to flourish. When Hannah had first arrived at Manchester Castle, Amelia hadn’t left the nursery. It had taken a while for her to start to venture out and interact with all that lived in the castle. She had clung to Lady Corrine’s skirts. Hannah might not like Lady Corinne, but she was good for Amelia. For the little girl’s sake she’d put up with her.

  “When will she arrive?”

  He frowned. “I believe today. She sent a missive ahead of her. It was her way of ensuring she’d not be turned away.”

  Hannah sighed. Lady Corinne could be churlish and the visit might prove difficult. “We’ll make due,” she said resigned.

  “I wish we could avoid her,” Garrick said. “She makes you miserable when she’s around.”

  Corinne might be different. It had been almost a year since she’d last been at Manchester. She had left shortly before the wedding. Hannah didn’t believe Lady Corinne had been in love with Garrick, but she had been hoping to marry him. It must have been difficult for her to realize Hannah would be his bride instead.

  “Don’t fret,” Hannah replied. “I can handle Lady Corinne. Amelia adores her and it will do well to have her in residence.”

  Hannah stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his waist. She rested her head on his shoulder and reveled in his strength. Her heart burst with the love she carried inside of her. This man was her everything.

  “I’m so lucky to have you in my life,” he said and then kissed the top of her head. “Loving you is the greatest gift I could ever have the pleasure of knowing. Thank you for agreeing to be mine.”

  She looked up at him. “The pleasure is all mine.”

  “There is something else,” he said. “I’m worried about Warwick.”

  Hannah stepped out of his arms. “What is it?”

  “He’s disappeared,” Garrick said. “I may have to go to London to find him.”

  Where could Lord Warwick have gone off too? What happened to him? Worry knotted her stomach. “Do what you must. He’s your friend and I understand if you need to aide in the search for him.”

  “It would mean leaving you alone with Corrine,” he said solemnly “I wouldn’t if I had any other choice.”

  “I’ll be fine,” she told him. “I promise.”

  His lips tilted up into a smile. “I never doubted you wouldn’t be. You’re the strongest woman I know.”

  He said the sweetest things...

  “We do have one thing to celebrate,” she said.

  Maybe it was the right time to tell him he was going to be a father after all. It would give him some hope as he went in search of Lord Warwick. Her husband had been through a lot in the war and she didn’t want him to ever feel bleak again. He was her rock and she was his hope. That was what kept them rooted together. Nothing and no one would ever come between them.

  “We do?” he quirked a brow.

  “Indeed,” she said. Hannah lifted his hand and rested it on her stomach.

  “Does this mean...” His voice trailed off.

  “Yes,” she nodded happily. “It does. Are you ready to be a father?”

  His only response was to kiss her. It was the best possible reaction she could have asked for. Every woman should know the joy she felt inside of her. They might have a few struggles ahead of them, but this wouldn’t be one of them. They had their own forever and a happily ever after to see to its end. Sometimes dreams did come true. Hannah had never been more aware of that than now. All she had to do was be brave enough to believe and hold onto it as tight as possible once she’d found it. She had found her love and she would never let it go.

  Separated from My Love

  Linked Across Time

  Book Seven

  Dawn Brower


  Genevieve Byrne stared out the window at Weston Manor. In the distance, she could make out the cliff’s edge. Something about the majestic rocks always drew her in. The stark ridge was like a flame that drove the moth in her to the precipice of disaster.

  What a ridiculous analogy. It wasn’t as if she was going to jump off and plunge to her death...

  She shook her head, pushing those ridiculous notions out and twisted away from the window. There were much more enjoyable things she could turn her attention to. It was the weekend of the annual charity ball at Seabrook Manor. Trenton had promised he’d take her and secured the invitations necessary to attend, but he still hadn’t returned from his trip to London. If he didn’t come back soon she’d either have to skip it or go on her own. The idea of showing up alone didn’t appeal to her. Maybe she could talk her cousin into going with her? Aubriella would appreciate a reason to escape for the weekend. She was deep in debt because of her stepmother and a few credits shy of her doctorate in history. Her cousin preferred burying her head in the past than dealing with the atrociousness of her present.

  Genevieve bit her lip and picked up her mobile phone. What were the chances Aubriella could make it to Weston in time to go with her? She wasn’t even sure where her cousin was. Aubriella was always off researching some castle or falling down pieces of rock to finish her degree. It rang three times before her cousin’s voice filler Genevieve’s ears.


  “Brie,” she began, “Please tell me you’re close enough to Weston Manor to come for a visit. I need you.” Aubriella wasn’t just Genevieve’s cousin—she was her best friend. They had always been able to count on each other. No matter what was going on in their lives, they always dropped everything if the other needed support.

  “Actually,” Aubriella said, “I’m heading in that direction. I’ve discovered some fascinating information regarding the history of that estate. I was hoping to talk the duke into letting me look through his family’s archives.”

  What were the chances? “Let me guess,” Genevieve replied. “You’re hoping I’ll help you bend his arm.”

  Genevieve didn’t want to discourage her cousin, but there wasn’t a chance in hell they’d be able to talk Bradford, the current Duke of Weston, into letting them dig through anything. There wasn’t a man more cynical than him—at least none Genevieve had met. He didn’t like anyone invading his space and hated people in general. He deigned to put up with Genevieve because of Trenton. Otherwise, she’d never have been allowed to enter his home. He was rude on a good day. Today was not one that he’d willingly put up with her cousin’s intrusion. When she’d accidentally hit him earlier, he’d exploded with rage. She had no idea what had pissed him off, but she didn’t want to make him angrier. A part of her hoped he left for the ball at Seabrook before Aubriella arrived. Then she could put off her cousin’s inquiry a little longer. She couldn’t very well rummage through the duke’s stuff while he wasn’t here to give his permission.

  “Pretty please,” Aubriella begged.

  “As much as I’d like to, it’s not a good idea. But I am glad you’re on your way. Perhaps we can do something. It is starting to look like Trenton won’t be returning from L
ondon today.”

  Damn man. Why did she have to fall in love with a man obsessed with work more than anything in the world? He was trying to climb the ranks of his father’s company as if he had something to prove. Perhaps he did in some way. His father, Marshall Quinn, was a good man but quite obsessed with his wife, Catherine. Their marriage is what brought Trenton and Bradford together. They were stepbrothers who became friends not because, but despite their parents’ marriage. They had the neglected forgotten kid syndrome in common. Not an association that people generally wanted to have as a connecting factor between them.

  None of that mattered though. Not when Trenton stood her up and forgot to let her know he was running late or not coming at all. He wasn’t someone she could depend on. Maybe one day he’d realize exhausting himself at his father’s company wouldn’t gain him a damn thing. Unfortunately, by the time he came to that conclusion it might be too late to change what was broken between them. It was perhaps time for her to let go and move on. Sometimes love wasn’t enough to see them through. She couldn’t make something work if the other person wasn’t helping as well. Aubriella on the other hand was her rock. The one person she could talk to about anything and everything.

  “I’m sorry, Eve,” Aubriella said. “I hope for your sake he does.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she said. “It is what it is. When are you going to arrive?”

  “I’m pulling up the long driveway now...”

  Genevieve laughed. Of course she was. Aubriella had a one-track mind where her research was concerned. She didn’t even think twice about how she might not be welcomed. Perhaps she should ask her cousin exactly what she was researching. It wouldn’t hurt to at least feign some interest. “Then I’ll hang up and meet you at the front door.”

  Genevieve didn’t wait for her cousin to reply. She hit the end button on her phone, slipped it into her pocket, and then headed to the front door. She passed the butler in the hall on her way and told him she’d let her cousin in. She didn’t want him to feel the brunt of Bradford’s displeasure. She stopped in front of the large mahogany door and swung it open as Aubriella was skipping up the front steps. Her rose-gold curls were bouncing over her shoulders with each step. She halted when she reached Genevieve and lifted her honey-colored eyes to meet her gaze. “I’m not going to apologize for presuming I’d be welcome. Even if his highness won’t allow me access to his family’s records, a visit with my favorite person in the world is enough to endure his wrath.”


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