Forever My Earl Page 8
Fun? As if that mattered to him? He’d been to war and all he required now was a bit of peace. How could his mother have ever believed Lady Corinne would be a good match for him? They were far too different and she was spoiled.
“It’s not possible,” he said firmly.
“You best accept it,” Warwick said. “He means it.”
“What do you care?” Lady Corinne turned her attention to him. “You could convince him if you wanted to. Why don’t you? Or are you too inebriated to carry a conversation?”
Warwick froze in place. His expression became so stony it was impenetrable. “My dear you’ve gone too far,” he said gravely. “I suggest you go back the way you came before you fall off the edge.”
“You’re a brute,” she said. “I hate you.”
“Trust me,” Warwick said with conviction. “The feeling is completely mutual. As I said—leave now. Some things aren’t meant to be discussed in front of a lady and if you don’t leave soon you might hear a few things that will make you blush in places you didn’t know could.”
“” Lady Corinne stomped her foot.
Warwick was on point where the lady was concerned. She didn’t know what to do with him. It was rather amusing but he had other things to do. He’d deal with his mother later. It appeared as if Warwick had Lady Corinne well in hand so he’d let him deal with her as he saw fit.
“As delightful as this is,” Garrick said. “I must bid both you adieu. The tenants can’t wait any longer.”
He didn’t stop or look over his shoulder once as he walked away from them. They could stand there arguing for days and he wouldn’t care. His need to escape the castle was too great and he couldn’t wait to ride through the fields of his home and let the breeze blow over him.
Hannah strolled toward the stable. She wanted to ride and hadn’t done so since the moment Garrick had given her permission. It was time and she couldn’t wait. The smell of horses, hay, and leather greeted her as she entered the stable. A tall man with wide shoulders greeted her immediately.
“How may I help you milady?” he asked with a bit of a Scottish accent.
“It’s Miss,” she corrected softly. “I’m Miss Knight.”
“Ah,” he said and flashed her a perceptive smile. “You be the one the master is always worried over.
What exactly had Garrick told them at the stable? She was almost afraid to ask. She wasn’t an invalid and could darn well take care of herself. It wasn’t her fault he’d caused her carriage to overturn.
“He shouldn’t,” Hannah said. “He’ll realize that in time.”
“I doubt the lad will ever stop fussing over you,” he replied. “It’s hard not to when you’re in love.”
Her mouth fell open. “He doesn’t...”
“Say what you will but I know that boy better then you,” he said. “And he is in love with you lass. Perhaps he’s being a bit slow in saying it to you but that doesn’t make it any less the truth.” He gestured toward the horses. “You’ll be wanting to ride I suppose.”
Hannah frowned. Did Garrick love her? She figured he felt something for her but that was taking things a bit far. Sure he’d kissed her... That didn’t equate to love though. What did the stable master see that she didn’t? He claimed to know him rather well and that implied he was able to read Garrick. Should she take him for his word? It would be easier if she was brave enough to ask him herself.
“Indeed,” Hannah said.
“The master said to give you a gentle mare,” the man said. “I have the perfect mount for you.”
He left her alone in the middle of the stable and entered a nearby stall. He brought out a sweet horse that was tan with a dark brown mane and tail. She was beautiful. He tied the horse’s reins around a post and lifted a saddle onto her back then secured it.
“Hamish,” Garrick bellowed.
“Over here, my lord,” the stable master responded.
Garrick was there? Was he going to prevent her from riding? If so they were going to have a quarrel the likes he’d never seen before.
“Hannah,” he said breathlessly. “I didn’t realize you were here.”
He hadn’t? Well at least that meant he wasn’t there to stop her from riding. “Are you going to ride?”
He nodded. “I have to visit the tenants.”
“It’s a good day to do so.”
She sounded like a perfect ninny. Wasn’t there something more intelligent she could let out of her mouth?
“Would you care to join me?” Garrick asked.
Hannah thought about it a moment and replied. “That would be lovely.”
Garrick beamed at her answer and petted the mare. “Daisy is a good choice for you. I’m glad Hamish picked her.”
Hannah had to agree. “He didn’t tell me her name. I should have asked.” She nuzzled the horse’s neck. “How do you do Miss Daisy?” The horse let out a ninny in reply.
“I’ll have your mount ready in a moment, my lord,” Hamish told him. “While I prepare him perhaps you could assist Miss Knight onto her Daisy?”
Garrick nodded and helped Hannah into the saddle. She waited patiently as he mounted his horse. “Are you ready?”
She nodded in reply to his question and followed him. They rode in silence for several moments until they reached the first tenant. A woman was outside the thatched cottage working in a small garden. It wasn’t like the garden at the castle. This one was filled with vegetables and herbs. Hannah looked down at it in keen interest. How hard was it to grow vegetables? When she purchased her own cottage perhaps she’d learn to do it. Preparing and growing some of her own food sounded fascinating.
“Hello, Mrs. Smith,” Garrick called out. “Is your husband working the field?”
“He is, my lord,” she replied. “Is there something I can do for ye?”
Garrick shook his head. “No, I’m just surveying the land. Tell him if he needs anything to send a round to the castle and I’ll see to it.”
The farmer’s wife nodded and went back to work in her little garden. Hannah was almost disappointed they weren’t staying long. What was Garrick’s purpose for this little trip around his land?
“Is the castle becoming stifling?” she inquired.
“More than you know,” he replied. “Mother wishes to throw a ball. I’ll discuss it with her later but I had to leave the house or I might have been driven to matricide.”
Hannah frowned. “It can’t be as awful as you believe.”
Garrick sighed. “If it were mother alone I don’t suppose it would. Do you have any suggestions on how to kindly ask Lady Corinne to return home?”
It was something Hannah had wondered herself. The lady was hard to bear on a good day. “What atrocities has the lady done to make you ask such a question?”
“You’re asking the wrong thing, sprite.” He grinned at her. “You should be wondering what she hasn’t done.”
“Fair point,” she agreed.
Lady Corinne was rather set in her ways. Hannah didn’t want to say she hated her. That was too strong of a word, but she didn’t particularly like her either. If only she was a little nicer...
“If you could leave today where would you go?” Garrick asked.
Hannah jolted at his question. “I don’t know for sure. I’d like to have a small cottage and maybe a garden. The where doesn’t really matter.”
He didn’t say a word but rode by her in silence for a while. They passed several tenant farms along the way. He didn’t stop at any of them and he didn’t talk to anyone else. It was rather peculiar but Hannah didn’t push.
A drop of water landed on her nose. She lifted her hand to wipe it away in surprise. She glanced up and dark clouds were forming over head. Where the heck had they come from? The skies had been clear all day.
“It looks like a good storm is heading our way,” Garrick said. “We won’t make it back in time to miss it. There’s a hunting cottage up ahead over that hill.
Bring Daisy to a canter and follow me.”
Hannah did as he said. The cottage came in to view as they rushed toward it. They didn’t make it before the clouds let the rain loose and drenched them completely. She slid off of her horse and tied it to a nearby post under a large tree. Garrick grabbed her hand and they ran for the cottage just as the rain started to come down even harder. They might be there for a while from the looks of the storm overhead.
A part of Hannah was rather glad for it too... It would give her some time with Garrick and she could ascertain for herself what he felt for her. She was well aware of her own feelings. She’d never loved anyone but him. If he loved her too... Then maybe they had something worth fighting for.
The rain continued to beat hard against the roof of the cottage. Hannah stood near a window staring outside and rubbing her arms as she shivered. Garrick had to do something to remove the chill or they’d both catch a cold. He glanced around the room and sighed with relief. Someone had piled wood in a corner near the hearth. He grabbed a few logs and stacked them inside and opened the tinderbox to start a fire. He breathed a sigh of relief as the flames rose inside.
“I’m so cold,” Hannah said through chattering teeth.
Her clothes were soaked through and unless she removed them she’d never find warmth. He hated the idea of her removing them. She was a temptation fully clothed and he had trouble resisting her. If she were to take some of them off—he’d fall to his knees before her and worship every inch of her. He had to remain strong and keep his distance from her. She deserved far better than the likes of him. It didn’t matter that he loved her more than his own life. He would protect her from everything even himself.
“I’m going to remove my dress and hang it up to dry,” Hannah said breaking through his thoughts. He knew it was the only way for her to get warm but he wanted to tell her to stop.
“Let me find you a blanket to wrap up in.” He turned his back to her and searched inside a nearby chest that sat in front of a small cot. A thick wool blanket was nestled inside. He yanked it out and carried it over to her. The room was darkening as the storm rages outside. She’d managed to remove her dress and hang it up on a hook on the wall. All she wore was a shift that was almost translucent from the rain water. Garrick averted his gaze so he didn’t see much of her naked flesh peaking through. At least he hadn’t seen more than the peachy tone of her arm. If he’d managed to see her perky breasts he might be salivating like a dog waiting for its meal.
She took the blanket from him and wrapped it around her. “Thanks,” she said. “I’d probably be warmer if I removed everything. I don’t remember ever being this cold in my life.”
He was going to die. “That might be taking things a bit far.”
“Are you not cold?” she lifted her eyebrow. “You’re as soaked through as I am.”
That was a very bad idea. She was already wearing less than he liked. There was only one blanket and he wasn’t about to share it with her. “I’m fine.”
“Well, Mr. Fine,” she said sarcastically. “Why don’t you see if there are some candles around here. The storm is making it rather dark and I’d prefer not to sit in a room where I can’t see anything in front of me.”
That he could do. It gave him a purpose and it kept his thoughts from racing to her nearly naked form. If she gave any indication his attentions were welcome he’d gladly remove her shift from her slowly and kiss every inch of her delectable body. He scanned the room and had trouble locating any candles in the darkness. She was right soon they wouldn’t be able to see anything. He walked across the room and opened a cupboard. Nothing inside—he opened another and reached for what looked like a candelabra. It had three stubby candles that wouldn’t last very long, but they’d have to do. If he were to hazard a guess it would give them three to four hours before they’d be encased in darkness. He lit the candle and set it on the table near the cot. It was the only flat surface and he didn’t like that it illuminated the one place he could lay her and make love to her.
“What I wouldn’t give for a warm bath to heat my skin,” Hannah said staring at a wooden tub. “You can’t tell me you’re not cold. You should at least take off your wet jacket. Come here and sit with me by the fire. We can share this blanket.”
She did have a point. He could remove his jacket and hang it up. Maybe even remove his boots. He’d leave his shirt and pantaloons on though. He slipped his jacket off and set it on the hook near her dress then took his boots off as well. What would it hurt if they shared the blanket? He was a gentleman and capable of controlling his urges.
“I’ll sit on the stool over there,” he said rethinking everything.
“Don’t be ridiculous sit here with me,” she patted the cot. “I don’t bite.”
That was the last thing he wanted to hear from her. He would discuss something else and take his mind off of things. “I received a missive from the solicitor before my ride.”
“Oh?” she lifted a brow. “Why didn’t you say something sooner?”
Because he hated the idea of her leaving... “I hadn’t found the right moment.”
“And this is the moment you’ve been searching for?” Hannah chuckled lightly. “Somehow I doubt this is the ideal situation.” She glanced around the room. “Although I must admit it is a bit cozy and gives you or maybe me one advantage.”
He was almost afraid to ask. “And what is that?”
“There isn’t any escape route’s available to either one of us. We’re rather stuck with each other until the rain ceases.”
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. She was right of course. They were very much prisoners until then. Sure they could attempt to return home but that was suicidal. The rain was pouring down so hard they couldn’t see but a short distance in front of them.
“I wouldn’t consider spending time with you as a hardship,” he replied. That was the truth. He loved her and being around her even when it was torturous. “You’re one of my favorite people.”
“Oh,” she said breathlessly. “You’re mine too.”
He stared down at her and couldn’t resist the urge any longer. When she looked at him like that he wanted to hold her and envelope her in the love that filled him. She was his everything. He leaned down and captured her lips with his. Desire flooded him as he deepened the kiss. He lifted her into his arms and the blanket fell to the cot in a puddle of dark wool. Garrick pulled her closer to him and kissed her until he couldn’t breathe. Then he stepped back and trailed his lips across her neck and down to her chest. Hannah wrapped her arms around his neck and arched up to meet each caress. He pushed her shift down and bared her breasts then brought one of her taut nipples into his mouth.
“Oh, yes,” Hannah moaned. “More. I need more.”
Garrick licked her nipple until her moans echoed through the cottage. She tasted sweet and was all his. He had to kiss her all over and find out if she was equally as sugary all over. Her shift fell to her feet and he lifted her onto the cot. He sank to his knees and pushed her legs apart trailing kisses down the side of her left thigh until he reached the center. Garrick brought his hand up and rubbed her swollen nub. Hannah’s moans grew louder with his ministrations. She was so slick beneath his fingers as he pushed one inside her heat. Slowly he lowered his head and stroked her with his tongue. She was everything he’d ever imagined. Perhaps more so...
“What are you doing,” she said between moans. “I’ve never felt...”
She screamed as he licked her. “Oh God, Garrick...”
Her whole body shook as her climax hit her. He kept licking until her body started to relax from it. Garrick lifted his head and met her gaze. The candlelight made her even more lovely and he’d never loved her more than in that moment. “I shouldn’t have done that,” he told her. “But I can’t regret it.”
“I think you should do it again,” she replied. “It was simply amazing.”
His cock throbbed inside his p
ants. The need to free it and push inside of her was great but he wouldn’t take her innocence. He could do this much and she’d still remain a virgin.
“I’m not sure I can handle doing that again,” he said softly. “It is hard enough to walk away now.”
“You didn’t find pleasure?” she sat up. Her breasts were in front of him and he wanted to lean over and put one of her nipples in his mouth once again.
“Sprite,” he said earnestly. “Nothing brings me more pleasure than seeing you undone in my arms.”
She remained silent for a few moments and then said, “But it isn’t the same. You didn’t find any release. I’m not as innocent as you think I am. I’ve read a lot of books.”
He wanted to laugh at that. Books didn’t even compare to experience. The feeling he experienced holding her in his arms—no mere words could describe it. And if he were fortunate enough to make love to her... “It’s best we leave things as they are. We’ve not done anything we can’t walk away from yet.”
She lifted her chin defiantly. “I haven’t done nearly enough to appease my curiosity. The least you could do is strip so I can see you as naked as you see me.”
God save him... “Please don’t ask that of me.” He was barely in control of his lust as it was. “If I take off my clothes I’d be that much closer to making love to you.”
She tilted her head as the corner of her mouth twitched. “I’m failing to see your point. Lose your clothes Garrick.”
He didn’t move. She didn’t realize what she was asking of him. She couldn’t... “Hannah...”
“Do you require assistance?” She quirked a brow and leaned forward tugging at his shirt. “Resistance is futile. I demand equal footing.”
Garrick gave in and helped her. His shirt hit the floor next to him. In order to remove his pants he’d have to stand. He did so and unbuttoned the front flap and pushed them down to his feet then stepped out of them. His cock jutted out demanding attention. He brought his hand up and stroked it moaning in pleasure. The only thing that would have been better was her hands on it. As if she’d read his mind she lifted her tiny hand up and wrapped her fingers around his shaft. She stroked up, then down. Soon his moans were the ones filling the room.