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Christmas Ever After: Kismet Bay Book Eight Page 5

  Chapter 1

  Ten years later…

  Jensen “JD” Drake stared out the large, tenth-floor window of the office building he’d been standing in for over an hour. Sparkle City hadn’t changed in the years since he’d left. He had returned a few times beforehand, but that had been for the occasional away game. He’d never left the stadium or his assigned hotel room when he’d visited his hometown. JD was less likely to bump into someone he’d rather not see that way. He’d made a lot of mistakes that he feared he would never be able to make up for. One person in particular had every reason to hate him—Scarlett.

  Making amends wouldn’t be easy. He didn’t want to run into her before he had a chance to figure out how to accomplish that enormous feat. She was the one person he prayed would forgive him. He’d done her a great wrong. Being home again… It brought back a lot of guilt and regret. He’d hated even the short trips for away games because he’d been avoiding his inner demons. Now, though, he had no other choice but to explore the city. It was once again his home.

  Earlier that day, he’d agreed to a deal to move to the Sparkle City Suns, and he would be their new starting catcher. At one time he’d dreamed of playing baseball for the Suns. Being a part of the team and marrying Scarlett Oliver were the only two things he’d ever wanted, but he’d destroyed the latter and had no chance of ever having her in his life again. What would she do when she realized he’d returned? Would she even care? JD wouldn’t blame her if she never wanted to see him again.

  He couldn’t let her monopolize his thoughts. It was crucial he paid attention to what his new manager had to tell him. Something about his new contracts…

  “Are you listening to me?” Calvin Rooney asked, a little irritation slipped into his voice as he spoke.

  JD turned to face him. The older man had a full head of salt and pepper hair and brown eyes almost as dark as a strong cup of coffee. If his previous manager hadn’t decided to up and retire, JD would not be in Calvin Rooney’s office. He still wasn’t certain he liked the guy. There was something almost…slimy about him. Other than the gut feeling he received in the man’s presence, JD didn’t have any reason to question his abilities. He had negotiated his contract better than he could have anticipated. So he’d set his feelings aside and continue to work with him. At least, until he gave him a reason not to… “My apologies,” JD said smoothly. “I have a lot on my mind.”

  The season had already started. In another month, they’d be off for the All-Star break. Voting for the primary voting round would end in a couple weeks. After that was the starter round. He hoped he still had a chance of making the team. Hell, he hoped for a hell of a lot more than that, but he’d start with advancing in his career. Scarlett… Well, she might punch him if they crossed paths, and he would deserve it. There was always a chance she wasn’t in town. She could be on tour or something. He hadn’t bothered to check because he was too afraid to know for sure.

  “Be that as it may,” Calvin started to say and effectively brought JD out of his inner musings again. “There is a lot we have to go over before you leave. I have the final contracts, and the provisions you asked for were added. All you need to do is initial the changes, then sign and date it.”

  With the flick of a pen across paper, he’d make some changes in his life. He had been a free agent before this contract. Once he signed it, he’d be playing with the Suns for the next five years. They couldn’t trade him unless he agreed to it. He liked the idea of consistency and not having to move around. He was already looking for a permanent place to live. He hated living in hotels and couldn’t wait to check out of his current one.

  “Show me where to sign,” JD said and waved his hand at the document on the table. “I want this done with.” He wanted to leave the office and drive around Sparkle City. Maybe go down memory lane and visit all his favorite spots. Yet, all of them would bring back what he’d lost—Scarlett. God, he’d been such a fool.

  Calvin pointed at a couple spots. “Here are the provisions you need to initial.”

  JD scanned them to make sure they were right, then jotted down his initials. “They look good.”

  His manager took the contract and flipped to the last page, then set it back down. “Sign here.”

  After he signed and dated it, JD tossed the pen on the table. “If that’s all…”

  “For now,” Calvin replied. “We can go over any endorsement deals that come in later.”

  “Sounds good,” JD said. “Then I’m off. Call me when or if you hear something.”

  He didn’t wait to see if Calvin would respond to his last statement. As far as he was concerned, he was done, and he had much better things to do. JD strolled out of the office and headed to his motorcycle—a Harley Davidson Street 750 in “wicked red.” It was his latest purchase. Now that he lived in a city with beautiful weather all year, he fully intended to enjoy it.

  JD unstrapped his helmet from the back of his seat then slid it over his head, securing it in place. He sat on the bike and started the engine, then he took off toward the beach. A walk on the boardwalk sounded like a good idea. Something about the ocean had always calmed him, and his nerves could use a nice balm. He’d been a wreck since he agreed to come play for the Suns. After he had time to cool down and ease his frazzled anxiety, he’d do what he’d been avoiding since he rolled into town a week ago. JD would look up Scarlett and see what her tour schedule looked like. He wasn’t sure if he hoped she was home or would be gone for weeks. Either way, he had to know so he could prepare. He was proud of her and all she’d accomplished, but he also couldn’t help feeling a little empty inside. He should have been with her as she reached all of her goals. JD never should have deserted her and left her to figure it all out on her own. He was the biggest asshole that ever lived. God. She shouldn’t forgive him, but he wanted her desperately. He missed her…

  It was time to face Scarlett. He owed her an explanation and a huge apology. If he was lucky, she’d forgive him, but somehow, he doubted she’d be that generous. They had to have some semblance of peace though if they were going to live in the same town.

  Scarlett had been home for a whole two hours and felt the need to walk on the beach. The whispers that guided her wanted her to go, and they had never steered her wrong before. Those voices she heard delivered wonderful melodies for her to write her songs to and had helped her build a very successful career. Besides, she could use a few hours to herself and maybe even a little meditation. She was burning herself into the ground, and at the pace she was keeping, she’d end up hospitalized.

  She…hated being home.

  There were too many reminders of the love she had lost. Scarlett had never truly recovered from being abandoned at the altar. JD’s betrayal had scarred her, and because of that, she had trouble letting anyone in. Trust wasn’t easy, and she held on to her independence with everything inside of her. She would never allow anyone to hurt her like JD had again.

  She pulled her car into a nearby parking slot and killed the engine, then stepped out of the cherry red Camaro. She hadn’t put the top down on it, but she might on her way home. Scarlett loved having the wind blow in her hair. It helped her to feel alive and free. She pocketed her key fob and headed to the boardwalk. Waves crashed to the shore in a spray of white foam, then retreated back to sea. The white sand sparkled in the sunlight, and she bet it was scorching hot to walk on barefoot. She was tempted to find out, but she kept her shoes on and stayed on the boardwalk as planned. If she strolled along the blue bridge that connected to the boardwalk, it would lead out to a breakwall that kept some of the largest waves from battering the coast. She had always liked walking along the stone and steel breakwall. She especially liked it when the waves were at their roughest and some of the salty spray washed over her.

  Scarlett shoved her hands into her jean pockets and strolled across the bridge. The sea was tranquil it helped calm her. She didn’t know what she had to be nervous about, but she couldn’t shake the
feeling. There were several people already crossing the bridge. Some were heading toward the breakwall, and others were making their way back to shore. She ignored most of them, not wanting anyone to recognize her. This was her time for herself.

  When she reached the breakwall, she stopped at the edge and stared out at the dark blue water and sighed. She leaned against the railing and closed her eyes. Scarlett took a deep breath and listened to the wind. A soft melody was already forming in her mind…

  “Scarlett?” a male said.

  That voice was familiar. Memories Scarlett wanted to forget, that she’d believed she’d buried deep, resurfaced. His laughter echoed through her mind. That husky tone of his voice crashed over her, when he'd whispered sweet words, naughty innuendos, and promised to love her forever. Her heart beat faster, and she found it difficult to breathe in and out. Pain shot through her lungs as they became oxygen deprived.

  This couldn’t be happening. Not now. She had to be mistaken… He couldn’t possibly be in Sparkle City. All right, it was possible, but she hadn’t seen him in a decade. He’d done his best to avoid her, and she’d done the same. Slowly, she let her eyelids flutter open, and she turned to glance in the direction the voice had come from. Scarlett would not freak out. She wouldn’t. He was still as handsome as she remembered; no, more so. He had stubble on his chin that made him sexier. He had a scar on his forehead that should have diminished his allure, but it only made him more appealing. His dark hair was disheveled as if he had finger-combed it—or someone had done it for him. She repressed that sting of jealousy at the idea of him with another woman. He wasn’t hers anymore and never would be again. “JD,” she said. Her voice was barely above a whisper. He was really there, and she would have to talk to him. No… She didn’t have to. Scarlett owed him nothing.

  She turned to leave, but he reached out and grasped her upper arm, preventing her from taking another step. Scarlett spun around and glared at him. “Let me go.”

  “Please don’t leave,” he said. His voice was hoarse with emotion, but she wasn’t sure what for. “I…” He swallowed hard. “There are some things you need to know.”

  “I don’t,” she insisted. “If it has anything to do with you, it’s best you keep it to yourself. Whatever there was between us ended when you left me at the altar.” God, it was so hard to say that aloud. “Now kindly remove your hands from me, and we can part in peace.”

  He let her go and shoved his hands into his pockets. “I made a mistake.” His voice flowed with remorse, and she almost believed him.

  She snorted at his words and laughed a little maniacally. “A mistake?” Scarlett shook her head in disbelief. “Is that what you’re calling ditching me and running off with my best friend?”

  “It wasn’t like that…” He blew out a frustrated breath. “There was never anything between me and Shayla. I’d never do that to you.”

  “No,” she said with disgust. “You would leave me to face all our friends and family alone.” She took a step forward and jabbed her index finger into his chest a few times. “You would run away like a coward and pursue your dreams. Not once considering what I wanted.” She poked him again. “You would let me believe the worst of you so it made your life easier.” She glared at him. “But you want to know what? None of that matters. I’ve moved on, and so should you. If you see me again, do me a favor and do not bother to speak to me. I don’t give a damn about your explanations or your messed up version of an apology.”

  With those words, she stomped away from him. Why had the whispers told her to come to the beach? She didn’t want to see JD, and she sure as hell had no desire to have a conversation with him. A part of her wondered if he was back in Sparkle City for good. The other part of her dreaded the idea of it. If he’d come home, then there was a good chance they would run into each other again. That would mean more opportunities for them to have disagreements and awkward interactions.

  What had she done to deserve this? Maybe she should go back on tour. At least then she’d be saved from reliving her worst heartache.